CloudatCost Outage Bigger Than Before
FWIW, I'm still able to log into the panel and I don't get that particular error.
@Danp said:
FWIW, I'm still able to log into the panel and I don't get that particular error.
Twitter feed has people talking about how the CloudatCost Pro service doesn't exist. What do you get? Are you able to build servers?
I suspect this is just another "glitch" in the system. I could be wrong, but I believe they are working to resolve the issues.
@Danp said:
I suspect this is just another "glitch" in the system. I could be wrong, but I believe they are working to resolve the issues.
That's now how it appears. The network outage was by choice - they claimed redundancy but chose not to use it (now they are using that lack of redundancy as marketing to get people to the newer service.) The crippling of power cycles and images was intentional.
There is no "trying" going on. They are making choices to have the system not work. They are working to CAUSE the issues, not to resolve them.
And, just like with the network outage, no responses when people point out that their service is down. They talk a lot when things are okay. The moment that there is an issue, total silence.
Agreed on the lack of communications. I don't know if the missing "reimage" option is intentional or inadvertent due to the addition of the migrate feature. Only time will tell.
They've been advertising the CloudPro option for a while now, so I suspect it was functional at some point.
@Danp said:
Agreed on the lack of communications. I don't know if the missing "reimage" option is intentional or inadvertent due to the addition of the migrate feature. Only time will tell.
They removed two critical features. There is no reasonable scenario where this is an accident. And no reasonable reason why they are not responding to customers complaining about it. Neither common sense nor their track record allow for a reasonable situation where this isn't intentional.
@Danp said:
They've been advertising the CloudPro option for a while now, so I suspect it was functional at some point.
They've been SELLING CloudatCost for a long time and just this morning announced that it was never production ready. So that something has been advertised by them does not suggest that they were planning on it working.