Aloha Guys,
Have a issue I cant figure out. Sorry if I confuse anyone..
Let me go back a couple months, I had a couple users ask how come we can't access (I know its not work related, but its a small thing). When I checked, I was getting the error Internal* "Error: Missing Template ERR_CONNECT_FAIL"* So I checked with, and they said we where not blocked or anything, so I tried for several weeks to see if I could access it, never could.. Today I try and I can.
Now for my current problem.. We have a software vendor doing work (which I don't trust, but have been over rode, and have zero say, and may start a rant about them)) but anyways, they asked to have a sub-domain set up, which I did, and I opened up on the firewall (Cisco-Meraki). Accessing internal thru internal IP or fqdn (10.0.x.x / name.domain.local) works fine. When I access off site or on my cell phone it works. When I try access on-site, it gives me the error *"Internal Error: Missing Template ERR_CONNECT_FAIL" *again.
I have no clue where to begin.. anyone have any ideas why this error happens to come up? Please let me know if anyone needs more info. I am trying to access sync. hieholdings . com (with no space, and there is no hieholdings . com site..