@Harry-Lui said in Need advise, restoring domain controller and email server.:
This morning, I noticed the exchange server have only 5% of free space left, I tried to free up some space by deleting old administrators users inbox, but exchange will not let me saying I don't have the permission to do so. Following https://community.spiceworks.com/topic/386021-cannot-delete-ad-user-insufficent-rights-or-protected-from-accidental-deletion
Strange, because you later say:
I'm in the process of restoring Exchange to the yesterday's 7pm backup now, which will take several more hours before it finish.
Which usually fixes the disk space issue. I'm guessing you are using Veeam or some other VM level backup rather than the proper application level backup which truncates the logs on the Exchange EDB.
On the plus side, assuming your restore works correctly and most of the stuff is in place, you might not need to do much more than that. But knowing the Exchange part of this, I'm guessing you also didn't backup your AD correctly either for an authoritative restore.
You are in for a rough night my friend. First and foremost, if the user objects have not been deleted, don't start now. Exchange ties into the GUID, so not having it will cause your restore to pretty much be useless. If you already deleted them, you are looking at some really messed up stuff. If you have good backups, you might have to straight up restore to a previous point in time completely, that means nuking everything. If you had a block level backup, you might be almost OK then, assuming you don't have too much of a delta between the machines.
Contact Microsoft, even at the worst paying $500 will help you out immensely when you need to do some more advanced AD stuff to restore.